Guiding you to success!
At Compass Industries, LLC. we are dedicated to finding simple solutions to your complex problems that are both viable and scalable. We strive to help you navigate the obstacles that inhibit your growth and success!
Give us a call and see how we can meet you needs and exceed your expectations!
Compass Industries was founded by Roger Mackbach. After graduating from the University of Maine at Augusta with a B.A.S in the fields of Computers Science, Networking, and Cyber; Roger sought to bridge the gaps in the fields of Transportation, Technology, and Education to intergrate comunication, understanding, and streamline usability in previosly non colabrotive industries.
Looking at the industries from a view not usually seen, Roger educates industry leaders to a diffrent preception and helps bridge the gaps in prespective that benifites both the user and the providers from out of the box thinking.